At the rank of Jedi-ish, you probably want to be able to use the force force your next mission. Without it, you will die. To use the force you must become one with nature. That sentence is NOT true. To use the force you must be smart. False. To use the force you must have obtained a PHD. Very untrue. All you need to use the force would be a Rancor brain, and Bantha dung. Very true.
Because you have close to no Midi-chlorians, you need a boost. By eating a blended mixture of Rancor brain and Bantha dung, you will obtain the Midi-chloreans from the 2 and should have at least 10,000 Midi-chloreans.Once this is done you can move on to testing your Midi-chloreans. Take three cynderblocks each the size of a small car. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself lifting one block. Focus all your energy on grabbing the block. If you relly put your effort into it, you should be able to feel yourself holding one without actually holding one.
Now try to place one block on top of another. Then place those two on top of the third. Now pick up all three and throw hem as far as you can. If you can throw them 300 yards, you have failed! To use the force properly, you must really put your all into training. Throwing it 500 yards is still failling, 750 yards is closer, 1000 yards is where you want to be. No more no less. If you can do that, you have achieved the lowest level of force use. Congratulations, you have earned the rank of Jedi-like. Now you may proceed to your second mission.
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