Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Unschooling is a great way to learn. I can choose what I want to do and try things I wouldn't usually do at school. I can do Lapbooks, IStories, and I can even make my own Video Game. I use the internet to learn as well as the local library. For example, if I'm learning about game design I can look up how to make a game. I'd rent books on jobs available in that area. I'd even find a good engine and try making a game. While studying Ben Franklin, I can make letterpress stamps and a lemon battery, or do a lapbook on the biography of Ben Franklin. I get along easier learning what I want to learn. I can do projects I wouldn't do in school and I wouldn't have to use a textbook. Textbooks can be boring and only provide what is needed and not any extra info on a topic or subject. I wouldn't forget what I learned after a test because it's something I want to know. I'm at home so I can do things like washing the car or yard work to earn money too. I can save for things I want as well as learn skills I'll actually need.


  1. Great job Justin! This is a wonderful description of homeschooling. You're doing an excellent job with schooling and this blog -- keep it up!


  2. Sounds like you're having a blast unschooling! Learning about things you're interested, designing video games, writing stories and even making some extra cash on the side-- what a great life you're leading! You're living the life!

  3. Justin - I'm happy to hear that you are interested in creating games because I am working with a guy to create games to use with Guampedia. Can I sign you up to be one of the game testers? You won't have to do any game testing until the summer I don't think. But I will let you know OK?

    Grandma Shannon


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