Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The NB205

This is my first ever post from my new laptop! It's a Toshiba NB205 Netbook. I got it just yesterday morning, thanks to Grandma Shannon. She picked it up for me at the NEX, and I paid her for the laptop and external optical drive. And she even got me a case as a gift. The laptop was $416, the optical drive was $99.

The laptop has a pretty roomy keyboard compared to the other netbooks I used (a Dell Inspiron Mini and an HP Mini among others). It has a nice bright screen, and an okay webcam, picture comes up dark when used in my room unless it's near 100% brightness. Speakers are okay, though the fact that they're at the bottom of the system does make them a bit quieter than they could be. It uses Windows 7, which I know how to use now. Intel Atom processor. And on top of it all, the battery life is great. Had it on until around 9:30 last night and I haven't plugged it in since I first got it. From what I can see, this is a pretty good computer.

The computer doesn't have too many cons. The microphone isn't great, so no recording my music. The hard-drive is 250GIG so it's pretty good for a netbook. I'm so glad I won't be using the 2004 Dell Desktop anymore. Even this little netbook is faster and better quality than that thing.

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