Thursday, March 12, 2009

Global Warming!!!!!

Imagine a world, shattered and destroyed by humanity. Wreckage and dump lies everywhere and roads are torn up. There isn't a single human in sight due to the loss of resources. What happened? The hole in the atmosphere grew to an immense size, and the sun fried the planet. Garbage filled the planet, killed trees, and spread disease. Global Warming will eventually destroy us. The materials we believe we need so much will be our downfall. We can't rely on fossil fuels and electricity any longer.

Turn off and unplug anything not being used before leaving a room. Try unplugging everything in the house or spending the whole day outside. pick three places to stay at. This will minimize the energy you use, and at only three places, you won't use a lot of gas either. We can also use nature for energy. Earth 4 Energy would be something to consider. If not for global warming, at least lower your power bill.

Another thing to think about is gas. Buying a Hybrid may not be an option for some. You can minimize gas usage by minimizing automobile usage. If you live near everything-e.g. grocery stores, restaurants, shopping malls-you can walk. It takes time and energy, but continual walking will keep you in shape and lower the amount of money spent on gas. If not, a bike is another option. It still takes up energy, and you may not be close enough to everything to bike, but after a while of biking, you'll be able to bike all over your city, town, village, or even island.

Plant a tree, recycle, there are all kinds of things you can do about global warming. If we don't do something about global warming, the human race will eventually die out. Future generations will be the ones suffering because we did nothing to help. We can save the future, or destroy it.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Justin! I agree with you completely. I love that you not only are raising awareness about this problem, but give great practical solutions that everyone can implement.

    Keep up the great work!


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